How To Protect Your Social Media in Your Estate Plan

It might seem silly to make plans for your social media accounts and other online access points considering bigger issues in your estate plan like providing your loved ones or handling real estate. But it is a good idea to think about your final wishes and to document it in advance.

First, consider what you want done with your accounts. Do you want everything to live on as it is by memorializing the account or do you want everything deleted? You might need to fill out specific instructions for each social media account you own.

The second thing to consider is who in your circle of family or friends can be trusted to accomplish those goals. Leaving very specific instructions to a chosen executor or trusted family member will make it easier for them to follow through on these wishes and to protect your rights.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems emerging with social media and online accounts recently are people attempting to hack into these to get personal information whether that’s to access the deceased person’s financial or other personal details or to learn more about family members.

Many social media accounts like Facebook will allow you to have that account memorialized without a legacy contact, but look into each platform’s details about a legacy contact so that you can add this person’s name and so that they can confirm it by receiving a notification.

If you have not created a digital component for your estate plan, now is the right time to set up a time to speak with a Pasadena estate planner.



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