How to Handle Your Estate Planning after a Terminal Diagnosis

Receiving a terminal diagnosis associated with any health condition can be an overwhelming experience. It can make it seem as though your entire world has been turned upside down. While there are many different emotions that can impact you during this challenging time, one of the most important things you can do is to approach your estate planning with the help of an experienced professional. One of the first things you should do in this process is remember to prioritize.ThinkstockPhotos-454985563

When time is limited, it may be challenging to accomplish all of the items on your to-do list even when all of them seem critically important. Make sure that you take care of issues that have the highest monetary or emotional impact first. These fundamentals will give you a cornerstone of a comprehensive estate plan. Being proactive and hiring an experienced estate planning attorney as soon as possible in the process is important. Remember that articulating your plans through a will is a crucial first step but it is equally important to ensure that all of the beneficiary designations on your insurance policies and retirement accounts have been recently updated.

Now is the time to schedule a consultation with your estate planning lawyer to have a review of all of the current documents and strategies in place and how these may impact you and your beneficiaries, were you to pass away suddenly. Discussing your final wishes for any non-financial item should be another goal that you should accomplish. Writing a separate memorandum for how you intend to dispose of tangible property is strongly recommended.    Talk to a Pasadena estate planning lawyer to learn more.


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