How to Decide on the Right Estate Planning Lawyer

If you are contemplating the process of sitting down with a knowledgeable estate planning lawyer to discuss your individual needs and concerns, it’s important to select the right person who is familiar with estate planning laws and strategies.

A person’s estate is categorized as the net worth of that person at any point in time but can also include assets that are less easy to quantify, such as sentimental memories like photos and online social media accounts.

The first step in administering a deceased person’s estate in California is known as filing for probate. An estate planning attorney should have individual knowledge of the local probate procedures as well as applicable state and federal laws that influence tax and general estate strategies.

The attorney should have helped other people in similar situations, such as businesses, individuals or families navigate the complex process of structuring an estate in California.

Many laws and regulations can also shift in the future, meaning that it is helpful to have an established relationship with an estate planning lawyer who can assist you with making adjustments to your documents and strategies as needed. Our Pasadena estate planning lawyers have a track record of providing personalized service to our clients.

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how we can assist you with a customized plan. Our Pasadena estate planning lawyers can support you.

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