Family Conflict Likely to Be the Biggest Estate Planning Issue Going Forward

Are you worried about sharing estate planning concepts with your family because you’re concerned that someone might not agree with your goals?

A recent analysis of professional planners identified that family conflict is perceived to be the biggest threat to the process of estate and financial planning in the future. Although estate tax reform is one of the most talked about issues due to the major changes brought in by the recent reform, taxes are deemed as important but not what keeps planners awake and concerned in 2018.

A total of 44% of planning professionals responded that they felt that family conflict was the biggest issue for successful estate planning this year, followed then by tax reform at 25% and market volatility at 12%. This identifies that family in-fighting or a lack of clarity about estate planning goals could pose a significant threat to the effective management of probate and an estate through the court process.

The support of an experienced estate planning attorney can help to minimize the issues surrounding family conflict and to get everyone on the same page. This can dramatically reduce the chances of a will contest or other arguments after the fact.

Talk to a lawyer about how you can decrease the odds of conflict down the line after you pass away.




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