The Right Gift for Your New Adult

Celebrating an 18th birthday is a major milestone in your family. It’s easy to skip over the necessary legal implications and go right to planning ahead for your child’s exciting future, no matter where that may be.

ThinkstockPhotos-178563377When your teenager usually becomes an adult, there are many different types of gifts that you could award: an apartment deposit, a car, a trip to Europe or a payment towards their housing and college are just a few examples.

While these are fine gifts to give a new adult, it may also be time to give your new college student or adult the opportunity to complete their estate planning. A trio of documents such as a durable power of attorney, a simple will or trust and a medical power of attorney can also give parents a better understanding of their role in the new adult’s life.

Since legally your child becomes an adult at age 18, you need to have these documents in place to ensure that not only your child understands them, but also so that you can take action if necessary. This is truly a gift for both of you because once your child has achieved this legal age, you will no longer be able to make legal and medical decisions for him or her without the right legal documents authorizing you to do so. Set up the time to meet with a Pasadena estate planning lawyer to talk through the options with your new adult child so that they have all the legal documents necessary to head off to college soon.

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